
Showing posts from February, 2018

Write first program on python

Today we will be learning how to code in python 3.6.4. inside coding we will be learning how to print anything in python in different ways because you can print in various ways in python. Lets start with a simple program  that prints hello world. This is very easy in python. We don’t need to import or include header  files like in  other programming languages to print. The syntax is very simple to print. Lets do an example to make it clear: print(“Hello world”) copy the above code in python IDLE and try yourself. In an above example print(“   ”) is a command in python to print anything. Only the sentences inside (“  “) is printed.   There are various ways to print in python. Lets print hello world in another way. print(‘Hello world’) copy the above code in python IDLE and try yourself. lets compare the above two examples. On comparing we can see that the first example has  “ while the second example has  ‘. Actually both are accepted in python 3.6.4. And

Python instillation and steup

Python 3.6.4 Python is one of the easiest and widely used programming language. With the development of python 3 various changes has been made. Today we will be learning how to download and install Python 3.6.4 In  coming days we will be learning to code in python. First let's learn to download python 3.6.4   goto the link above and download the software. If you are having problem comment or contact me on facebook at Instillation process is very simple just like installing other softwares. don't forget to comment